Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Why don't we live in Colorado? Oh, and we met the great Tommy D.

So, we rode outside of Boulder, CO today.  I haven't spent a lot of time in Colorado in the fall, but this day was a board of tourism's dream!  And our day was full of interesting adventures.  First, Brian and I took a little 30 mile ride towards Jamestown.

Trent and Brian on the way up Left Hand Highway towards Jamestown, CO

Then, we met our good friend, Allison Westfahl Wagner, who is a professional trainer and author (http://www.allisonwestfahl.com/).  She showed us some good riding through the outskirts of Boulder.
Trent and Allison outside of Boulder, CO
In addition to being a trainer to professional athletes in the Boulder area, Allison is just finishing her second book with pro road cyclist, Tom Danielson.  We jokingly told Al that we expected her to introduce us, but it was no joke!  She delivered, and we got to meet Tom Danielson at his home outside of Boulder.  He was about to do a photo shoot while taking part in HIS off-stage passion, motocross.

Brian and Trent with Tom Danielson
Tom is a very down to earth guy.  He made us coffee and we chatted for a bit, even though his photo shoot was probably better served by using the afternoon light.  If you follow cycling, Tom is easily one of, if not the best American cyclist in the pro peleton.  Cycling is in a bit of a crisis right now with the spectre of doping hanging over everyone's head.  While Tom has recently come clean to some bad decisions he made in the past, his current team, Garmin-Sharp continues to be a leader in the coming age of a clean sport. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Ride to Reddish Knob with New and Old Friends

The view from Reddish Knob
We had a great ride up Reddish Knob with friends from PA and some extra strong local riders (The Pain Delivery Firm of Deeble, Sallah, and Morris) last week.  We are so lucky to have this kind of terrain to traverse just around the corner.  Thanks to the guys who made it happen.  I never can tell if that ride adds or takes years from my life, but it's a glorious climb.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Festy Experience Ride-Video

We had a great time riding to the Festy Experience in Nelson County, VA on Sunday. Here's a great video by our buddy Scott Wooten from Shenandoah Bicycles.  The Festy is a blast and we were happy to be a part of it.  


Maybe you couldn't see it well enough in the video, but Brian made some new modifications to his Bass-hauling trailer setup, since the Burley took a dive in our last tour.  Here's a picture: